Hosted GIS Data Service

Let NGS host your GIS data on the web and forget the hassles and costly licensing fees of standing up and maintaining your own IT infrastructure.

Many GIS organizations have a need to disseminate their map data to their customers through web based services but lack the resources or budget to implement their own data services such as a WMS (Web Mapping Service). The costs can add up quickly when considering the specialized skill set of full time employees and the IT infrastructure required to support it. Some organizations are left feeling forced into buying expensive commercial GIS software to allow their in-house staff to do the work. Sometimes the licensing cost itself is
upwards of $20,000 of recurring annual fees!

Finally there is an alternative.

Newmoyer Geospatial Solutions has expert technicians with years of experience in implementing enterprise GIS software solutions for the web. We will work with your in-house staff to take your raw data and publish it to our professionally maintained GIS servers until your are 100% satisfied with the results. Our solutions include:

  • OGC standards based formats (WMS, WFS, WMTS, KML, etc.)
  • Professional cartographic services included
  • Hosted on high performance, secure, professionally maintained servers.
  • Little or NO startup costs, and a low monthly subscription

Contact us for a free quote. Based on the complexity of the hosting requirement you may qualify for free startup.